19 Secrets They Don't Tell You About Auditions
9:12 AM
A tell all guide to acing that audition. There's no need to be nervous after reading some of the secrets that dominate the auditioning process. Be prepared and stay focused and you might just be the next American Idol, The Voice, or X Factor.
1. They are watching your every move from the moment you walk in.
2. If they ask you to tell them about yourself make it interesting. Highlight unique factors about your family, yourself, and your life. If they like what they hear this could mean they want to come to your house and film for the show there.
3. The way you dress can sometimes have a huge influence over if you get picked. If you're dressed in cowboy boots but end up singing Beyonce I'm going to be a little iffy.
4. This may be obvious, but sing a song that demonstrates the genre you want to be. You sing a Carrie Underwood song better than anyone you know but is country your genre? Eh skip it.
5. They want to mold you. They like if you have potential for something else and something bigger. So be mold-able but still stick to your ground.
6. There is a quota, I repeat there is a quota. Sometimes the different audition cities have a specific genre that they are looking for meaning the judges/producers can only pick country or pop artists to move on to the second round.
7. Every show is different. American Idol has a history of letting in amateur and "funny" acts on just so they're audience stays engaged while The Voice would never allow someone singing in a banana costume to make it on to the show.
8. Never feel as though just because you weren't picked means you are a horrible singer.
9. Everyone in your group will be able to sing. Which leads me back to #8. There are so many other factors other than your voice that will get you on to the next round so don't give up.
10. You will be treated like cattle if you go to an open call audition. Rules like no food inside the venue, limited bathroom breaks, standing around for literally 5 hours, and sometimes even water is not allowed.
11. You will meet so many new fun people that your mind will explode from bliss.
12. Make friends with everyone around you as these are the people who will most likely be in the audition room with you. It will help your nerves.
13. If a judge/producer says we will contact you in a certain amount of time regarding the decision, they are lying. People are getting put through to the second round immediately.
14. If there is a X on the floor marking the spot where you are to stand, start off on that mark but move off of it as you continue to sing. Actually perform your song, don't just stand there.
16. Many contestants on talent shows are already professionals and were signed to record labels. Think of it as trying to get on a professional sports team but the last time you played that sport was in middle school. It just wouldn't make sense to pick you so come prepared.
17. Honey and hot water work! Not only does it taste heavenly, the hot water opens your vocal chords while the honey soothes and smooths your throat.
18. Warm up before hand. Practice makes perfect. Be confident.
19. In the waiting area people auditioning will ask you what you're singing and then they will ask you to sing it in front of everyone. If you won't dry out your vocal chords before auditioning then go ahead and join that jam session with everybody else.
Go get em! What audition experiences have you had? Comment below!