Free Things To Do When Boredom Strikes

1:07 PM

So when you're bored all you want to do is lay around or even worst, watch television, scroll through Instagram, or...  Stop right here, put the remote down and find something productive to do with yourself. It will make a positive difference in the long run and is much better than doing nothing.  As much as I love the Italian phrase "dolce far niente", the art of doing nothing, save it for another time.


1. Exercise

You don't even have to go to a gym to exercise. Download the PumpUp app and chose your setting, exercise equipment, and goals. A 15 minute workout or yoga session is massively more beneficial than laying around all day waiting for your evening plans. C'mon, you're better than that. You'll have that six-pack in no time!

2. Learn a different language

Not only is being bilingual and even trilingual extremely helpful in communicating, it is also a personal goal of mine. I am a native English speaker, learned Spanish from school, and am currently teaching myself French because honestly, I was bored. I chose French because it is such a beautiful language. So far I can say "Je suis une femme et j'aime le pain" proudly. Please translate. I downloaded the Duolingo app to help me brush up on my Spanish and to learn French. Even learning how to read music or computer programming is a language in itself.  You are never done learning a language, not even your native one.

3. Make a blog

Blogging isn't for everyone but you can always try it out and see what works for you.  I started this blog because I wanted to share my thoughts, no matter how large or small, and also because I was bored and need some activity to do 24/7.

4. Learn to cook

Start with the small things like baking cookies. The recipe on the back of Nestle chocolate morsels package is so good! I even love my homemade chocolate chip cookies better than the store bought now.

5. Actually complete your to-do list

Finish that scholarship essay you said you were going to complete (cough cough), clean your room or entire home in one sitting.  Whatever may be on your to-do list for that day, get it done. Stop procrastinating because it is definitely bad for you.

6. Volunteer your time

If you have time to spare use it by cleaning your closet then sorting old clothes you don't need anymore and donating them. Also, volunteering your time to different organizations is a great way to stop your boredom. I wanted to volunteer for Artscape, America's largest free arts festival, which you can not do directly. I had to volunteer through the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts. So find an organization and volunteer now. Best times of my life. 

7. Attend college events

Do you know how many free events you are missing out on!? I am a college representative for American  artist/producer/entrepreneur and founder of the NextSelection Lifestyle, Ryan Leslie.  He is currently touring New York colleges FOR FREE.  This is only one example of a college event. Check out the website of any college or university near you and see whats going on. Many events are for college students only but many are not. American author and poet, Maya Angelou, and American professional soccer player, Mia Hamm, came to my past college and trust me when I say this college is small. Just image what events happen at larger schools. Check them out!  

8. Hotel Hop

This is for when you are desperately bored to no end. Hotel hopping can be fun if you live in a big city like NYC. The hotels are chic, gorgeous, and usually have a lounge area or bar so that you don't look completely crazy just roaming around the hotel. The point of this is to admire the interior decoration inside. I am definitely not suggesting this BUT the pool in the hotel might be open as well... Check it out at your own risk.

9. Chill out!

Actually take a chill pill, calm down for a second, and enjoy the day. At my past college there was a massive hill across from the freshman dorms so my friends and I would climb it and just hang out. It was also the perfect spot for reading alone or pigging out. After you lose about 10 pounds hiking up the hill and you're completely out of breathe, the view of the college town is great, especially at night.

10. Perfect your craft

Singing, dancing, your career, sports, whatever it might be that you love to do... perfect it! The statistics show that reading about your craft for at least an hour a day will help you to become an expert in 3 years. Definitely a competitive advantage! Brian Tracy says "all leaders are readers".

11. Network

When you attend those college events, a museum, or concert make it count. I attended a Ryan Leslie concert and found that it was not hard to contact him. Now I am a college rep for him and definitely wouldn't mind being on his team as far as social media (which I am working on).  You can even network right from bed on your iPhone, iPad, or laptop. There is so much social media out there today that it is not hard to build a web of contacts. LinkedIn is a great place to start professionally.

*Side note: I have heard many people say LinkedIn is useless because nobody actually networks through it. WRONG. Simply requesting to link with the person who just interviewed you for your dream job could make you stand out among the crowd. They may even snoop around your profile and see some of the positive things about you that you did not have time to mention in the interview. 

What activities do you do in your spare time that kill boredom?

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