DID YOU KNOW: There Is One American National Food Holiday EVERYDAY

12:02 PM

You've heard of National Pancake Day and National Pie Day but did you know that EVERYDAY is a national food holiday. Yes, National Food Holiday. There are even National Food Months but we're not even going to go there. 

If your favorite food is peanut brittle then guess what, January 26th is your day to appreciate it! Egg Salad gets an entire week, excuse us. But let's be real about this, the only ones that truly matter are National Hoagie Day-May 4th, National Strawberry Shortcake Day-June 14th, and National Milk Chocolate with Almonds Day-July 8th (Yes WITH almonds). Iced Tea gets an entire month; it's not even a food but I'm not complaining. 

These celebrations are personally hilarious. Check out State Symbols USA to see which day your favorite food is celebrated. I know there's a 90% chance that the first date you're going to check will be your birthday. I know this.

Which National Food Holiday matched up with your birthday? Which day is your favorite food celebrated? Comment below.

photo: azchipka.thechipkahouse.com

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